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Canon beach, sunset                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       v Welcome in New-mexico !!
  Number of pictures 85
Capital Santa Fe
Population 1 930 000
Density 5.80 / Km²
Enter in union 06/01/1912
Rank in union 47
Nickname Land of Enchantment
v Last added pictures v New-mexico's flag and nickname v New-mexico, on the USA map
New-mexico, Santa Fe Capital of New Mexico, Santa Fe was founded in 1607. If means holy faith in spanish. It have a population of 67 947. It is the fourth city in New Mexico. Adobe style, the city attracts a lot of artists, settled down from '80s
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New-mexico, Santa Fe Capital of New Mexico, Santa Fe was founded in 1607. If means holy faith in spanish. It have a population of 67 947. It is the fourth city in New Mexico. Adobe style, the city attracts a lot of artists, settled down from '80s
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New-mexico, Santa Fe Capital of New Mexico, Santa Fe was founded in 1607. If means holy faith in spanish. It have a population of 67 947. It is the fourth city in New Mexico. Adobe style, the city attracts a lot of artists, settled down from '80s
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New-mexico, Santa Fe Capital of New Mexico, Santa Fe was founded in 1607. If means holy faith in spanish. It have a population of 67 947. It is the fourth city in New Mexico. Adobe style, the city attracts a lot of artists, settled down from '80s
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New-mexico, Land of Enchantment
New-mexico, Land of Enchantment
v Photos of New-mexico (85)

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  Albuquerque Gallup Glenwood
  Hors de la ville Mountainair Not in a City
  Santa Fe Wagon Mound
New-mexico, Santa Fe Capital of New Mexico, Santa Fe was founded in 1607. If means holy faith in spanish. It have a population of 67 947. It is the fourth city in New Mexico. Adobe style, the city attracts a lot of artists, settled down from '80s
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New-mexico, Gas station at Gallup city limit, with the Interstate 40 in the background. This truck driver was kind enough to wait for the picture, he can be proud of his beautiful Peterbilt :) Thanks !
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New-mexico, White Sands
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 USA Pictures - Picturing AMERICA - Guyzoline contact@usa-pictures.com